Hi – I’m Alex with Your Local Studio. I read Page Progressive’s blog posts, just like you do ‘cause Daniel Trimpey is one of my trusted resources for staying current with WordPress, SEO and internet marketing.
Have you read his post about bullet-proofing your wordpress site? I recommend taking a look at that one… In another blog post Daniel wrote in May, he listed 6 basic terms in web design. One of them was blogging. He said to “Keep in mind that a blog needs to have new content added at least once a month.”
Do you have a blog on your website? Are you adding new content every month?
What about adding a video post?
Video is a great way to stay in front of your customers – to remind them of who you are and become the ‘expert’ in your field. And for potential clients it’s a great way for them meet you – before they meet you.
There are lots of SEO advantages to adding video to your websites, and I’m sure Daniel can walk you through them.
But what I want to talk to you about today are my top 3 basic tips for when you decide to make your own video. You want a successful video that people will watch. right?
First – Keep it simple.
People watch short, simple videos. At Your Local Studio we recommend keeping your videos less than 2 minutes. That’s about 150 – 200 words.
Second – Be authentic.
You need to be comfortable and real – you’re not supposed to be an actor! Keep filming till you’ve got exactly the “feel” you’re looking for – and remember, smiling is important.
Last – Stick to a niche.
Target your message with one concept or one thought. Be specific and be brief. Then end with a call to action. Ask your viewer to do something.
Making a video can be a little scary – but it’s fun. And it adds lots of variety to your website.
If you’re interested in learning more about making a video, check out our DIY Video Club. (http://yourlocalstudio.com/DIY) And if making your own video just seems too much then give us a call – at Your Local Studio we make professional quality videos that are simple, affordable & quick.
I’m Alex with Your Local Studio – I look forward to seeing your videos!