Your website is your online calling card. Sure, people still use business cards, but if a company doesn’t have a website, it is missing out on a valuable resource to produce interest and revenue. However, just having a website is not enough. Numerous companies around the globe have websites that are merely holding a spot on the Web. This may be unintentional in that the company truly thinks they are doing all the right things. Or perhaps, it is intentional because the company has a site that is a slow work in progress.
If you feel like your website falls into the first category, it is wise to step back and determine why your website is not getting the traffic you expected or would like to see. Quite often, you need to make changes so that people are not just finding your website but are engaging and purchasing from it as well.
However, before addressing why your site may not be getting the attention you wanted, consider this:
Your website may be website is attracting the wrong audience. These people are not likely to make any type of purchase due to finding your site by using search terms that are not the most effective for your business and thus attract the wrong demographic or interest group. This “confusion of search terms,” whether due to your choice or theirs, can be corrected-at least on your side- by improving your site’s web content and structure.
Once this issue is addressed, it is time to improve your website and make it more inviting.