
  1. 10 Reasons Your Website Isn’t Getting Enough Traffic

    Having a website that isn’t getting much traffic is like having a driver’s license without having a reliable vehicle. You have the ability to go somewhere, but not the means with which to do it.

    We all know the value of having a website – after all, it is one of the best ways to attract new clientele and let them know who you are and what you have to offer. But, there’s more to the process than merely having a website- you also need to have website traffic. So, what could be the causes of your website getting less traffic than you expected.

  2. 8 Website Conversion Rate Optimization Mistakes to Avoid

    Does it seem that your website’s conversion rate is a bit lacking? Perhaps you have an e-commerce site and want to be sure that you are optimizing your sales.

    Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is defined by as the process of optimizing your guest’s experience on your website or landing pages to boost the probability of your guests taking the desired result- converting from someone perusing what you have to offer to someone who makes a purchase.

    In order to achieve the desired CRO, you must do all that you can to encourage guests to not only make the first purchase but to come back again. As a result, it is important to avoid as many of the common mistakes in conversion rate optimization as possible.

  3. Why is WordPress So Popular? 12 Reasons to Use WordPress

    WordPress is one of the most popular website content management systems (CMS) used today. In fact, a recent report shows that 39.5% of all websites use WordPress. Going a step further, WordPress has a market share of 64.1%, as well as a respectable lead over Shopify as a platform for e-commerce. Not only is it a popular choice for e-commerce sites, but it has been a longstanding favorite for sites dedicated to blogging as these stats show:

    • 400 million people view 24 billion pages hosted by WordPress monthly.
    • 70 million new posts and 47 million comments are made every month
    • WP blogs are written in more than 120 languages

    So, what is it about WordPress that makes it so popular? One must first consider its longstanding track record. It has been around nearly 20 years. Perhaps, it’s the flexibility that comes with an open source architecture – definitely all reasons to opt for WordPress as a content management system (CMS). In fact, WP is the platform of choice for well-known companies and organizations like The White House, BBC America, Sony Music, Variety, and The Walt Disney Company. With so many entities choosing to use WordPress, it bears the asking- Why is WordPress so popular?

  4. 10 Signs Your Website Needs Work

    Fact: There is no such thing as a website that never needs to be updated.

    Fact: People will leave your website if it is difficult to use.

    Fact: Your website is your strongest marketing tool.

    With consideration given to these facts and many others regarding your website, it is safe to say that many websites on the web need to be updated. The bigger question is – Is your website one of them?

  5. 15 Ways Your Website May Be Driving Customers Away

    Is your company’s website getting the results you want? Perhaps, you think it has all the important features but instead of being inviting, it seems that people are more interested in the competition’s offerings than yours. If this sounds familiar, then it might surprise you to learn you are not alone.

    According to a recent study, it was found that 75% of consumers admit to making judgements about the credibility of a company based solely on the website design. So, if your website is not meeting the expectations of your guests, then perhaps it is time to figure out what is about your website that is driving customers away from your website.

  6. Google Analytics, Goal Conversion and Getting Results from Your Website

    You may think of your website as merely a way to be found on the Web. Perhaps, you see it as just another way of improving your business. Each of these thoughts is correct. However, in order for your website, and by extension your business, to be found and your revenue improves then you need to have more than just a website – you need to have a marketing plan that leverages your website to transform into conversions, or actionable items such as signing up for your newsletter,  filling out a contact form or purchasing something from your store.

  7. Business Internet Marketing – DIY versus Hiring a Team

    Being successful in today’s world of business is much more involved than it once was. Gone are the days where business meetings, networking, TV/radio commercials, and sending out flyers were enough to grow a business. Today’s businesses must also incorporate aspects such as PPC (pay-per-click) advertising campaigns, social media, SEO, and others in order to be found in web searches. 

    And while most businesses of today recognize that these additional elements are necessary, many of them are stumped as to how to implement them within their marketing strategy, if they even have a marketing strategy. Some either ignore these strategies altogether, others hire someone younger with the assumption that they will know how to implement various new technologies or they reach out to a team of professionals to take on tasks such as social media management and marketing, PPC, web design, SEO, etc.

  8. WordPress Hosting

    9 Key Aspects to Evaluate for Great WordPress Hosting

    Every day numerous websites are hacked. It doesn’t matter how large or small the company is, any site is fair game to hackers. These hacking attacks are typically achieved with ease because hacking can be automated via “bots.” These bots scan the Web and look for specific vulnerabilities on a website. Elements such as plugins or themes with known vulnerabilities make it easy for hackers to attack your site. So, what actions do you take to minimize your risk?  One of the first things you can do is choose a hosting provider who will be there for you in the event that your site still gets hit- despite your precautions!

    That sounds easy- right? Perhaps, but not every hosting provider is the same. Not only do hosting providers vary in price, but the packages, type of server, and services differ. But, before delving into the must-have list for host providers, let’s take a moment to explain the types of servers- as those will play a significant role in the host provider selection process.