
  1. How Many WordPress Plugins are Too Many?

    Did you know?

    If you have a WordPress website then chances are, you have a few plugins included in your site’s design. And, as the stats above indicate, you are not alone. After all, they play a significant role in the safety and usability of a website. They can be uploaded to your website easily and gives your site functionality that can take developers a significant amount of time to create on their own.

  2. How Much Money do I Need to Advertise with Google?

    In today’s post, we will be addressing one of the top questions asked from most of our clients when considering advertising with Google.  And that question is:  “How much money do I need?”

    Up to this point, we’ve explained why Google Ads is the most powerful form of advertising on the planet as well as how, out of all the mainstream forms of advertising out there, Google Ads will get you the best bang for your buck.  And if you missed those articles, you can check them out by clicking any one of the hyperlinks above.  But to get started on today’s topic, you might be saying to yourself “Well, it’s great to know that Google Ads is the most powerful form of advertising and that I could save a lot of advertising dollars by taking that route.”  However, then you might be asking yourself “But how much money will I need for my business or my particular product or service?”  And, we don’t wanna boost your ego too much here but, that’s a good question…

  3. Google Ads | The Best Bang For Your Buck

    Hey everyone, I’m Matthew Slyman, Strategic Web Marketer and Consultant at Page Progressive.  In today’s blog post, I explain how, out of all the mainstream forms of advertising, Google Ads can get you the best bang for your buck.

    Before I get started:  In the last post, I explained why Google Ads is hands-down the most powerful form of advertising on the planet.  If you missed that entry, consider visiting our clicking here and checking it out. But in that last blog post, I made a direct comparison to some of the most mainstream forms of advertising including TV, Radio and Billboard. And I also told you how advertising with Google can be done at 1/5th the cost…and in some cases, even less than that.

  4. Google Ads Is the THE MOST POWERFUL Form of Advertising

    In this video, Matthew Slyman, certified Google Ads, Youtube Ads, and Analytics expert at Page Progressive, explains why Google Ads are the most powerful way to advertise your business. When compared to other traditional methods of advertising Google Ads offers a much more robust way to track and monitor your advertising to make sure you are getting a return on your investment.

  5. Live in Raleigh and Have a New Business Idea? Now Is the Time to Start!

    Do you find yourself with an unexpected and exorbitant amount of free time? If so, then perhaps you are thinking about new ways to make money. Maybe you have had an idea in mind for a while but weren’t sure to get started? If so, now is the time to start your new venture. But where should you begin?

  6. Empty Restaurants in Raleigh, Due to Coronavirus

    How to Make Money as a Small Business Amid the Coronavirus Lockdown

    In the current state of lockdown due to the Novel Coronavirus, there is a lot to think about. First of all, there are a lot of people who are without work or need extra help. That may include picking up groceries for the elderly, healthily handling all the extra family or alone time, making tough decisions about social distancing and more. It’s key that we work together to get through these challenges we face. If you find more time on your hands, consider reaching out to local ministries or humanitarian organizations to see how you can help.

  7. Mobile First Developer Raleigh NC

    What is the Big Deal about “Mobile First?”

    Although mobile first is not a new concept, it has become much more important than perhaps anticipated. In fact, since July 1, 2019, Google has been using mobile first as its default for all new web domains. Based on its name, one can easily surmise that search engines will shift towards a website designed for a mobile device first, and standard website design next.

  8. Do You Have A Content Strategy? Develop One that Meets Your Needs!

    By now, we have all heard the phrase “content strategy.” You may even have an idea of what it is and how it affects your business. But if you have not given content strategy any real thought then 2020 is a great time to do so.