1. website, responsive, creative, design, development, web, template, layout, technology, interface, page, symbol, banner, flat, marketing, internet, ux, sign, computer, navigation, e-commerce, homepage, html, website, website, website, website, website

    Keeping it Current: 2025 Website Design Trends

    Is 2025 the year you’ll be updating the look of your website? Or are you starting your own company and need a website for the first time? If you fall into either category—or perhaps you’re simply wondering what’s up with that website you were just browsing—then knowing about the latest trends in website design is important.

    Like anything else in life, website design and development are constantly evolving. Some changes happen behind the scenes, affecting non-visible elements like speed, page load time, and usability. Others, such as font size, colors, and graphics, are more obvious. However, both the seen and the unseen must work together to create a user experience that keeps visitors coming back.

    While you don’t have to implement every new trend on your site, making some updates is a great way to get noticed—both by your site visitors and by those all-important search engine bots. Here are some of the latest trends in website design for 2025.

  2. File Backups

    The Importance of Backing Up Your Website

    Beep! Beep! BEEP! We have all heard a shrill warning sound alerting us a vehicle is backing up, or a piece of equipment is failing. But when it comes to your company website, there is rarely a signal that something is wrong – until the damage has already been done. Failing to back up your company website can lead to disastrous results!

    If you are uncertain about what backup procedures are in place for your company website or don’t see the significance of frequent website backups, now is the time to make some changes.

  3. What Features Do You Need for Reliable WordPress Hosting?

    Powering over one third of all websites, WordPress is one of the most ubiquitous website design platforms on the Web. Consequently, there are an abundance of tools and web-related aspects designed to work with it. This is a good thing, because the choices are many. However, this plethora of choices can also make it difficult to determine what elements are best for your needs. One example of this is the choosing of a hosting provider.

    There are 4 types of hosting options often considered by website owners – shared hosting, Virtual Private Servers (VPS), dedicated servers, and managed WordPress hosting. With all of these options, making the right choice might seem like an overwhelming task with too many factors to understand. To cut to the chase, the key features you should look for in a reliable host for WordPress sites would be speed, security, support, robust backups, included SSL certs, and helpful developer tools. In this post, we will break down the details of what all of that means so you can make an informed decision when choosing the best WordPress hosting provider for your website.