If you are finding it difficult to believe that a new year is rapidly approaching, then you are not alone. For many people, the year has flown by, while for others it might have felt like an eternity But, regardless of your opinion on 2022, it is now time to start thinking about 2023 and what you would like to accomplish. From long-range goals to short-term action items, having plans for the year ahead is important. And, as a business owner, having goals and plans is a must. But what should those goals be?
While the goals will vary, some action items can benefit nearly any business. While not all companies are the same (though they share a common goal of turning a profit!) there are some basic goals and resolutions that will make a difference whether you are a small start-up or a large corporation.
Resolutions and Goals for 2023
Improve your social media efforts – Like or not, social media is no longer a tool to be ignored. It is a powerful platform that allows you to reach a multitude of people. In fact, many people will check to see if a company has a consistent presence on social media before ever making a purchase. Using social media platforms, be it TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or one of the other recognized platforms, is one of the best tools you can implement. Whether you do the posts and content creation yourself or hire a team to do it for you, social media will benefit any business. The important thing is to do it!
- Clean up – It is easy to let “little” jobs like dusting, picking up loose paper, or clutter pile up. Plan a day to clean the workspaces. Take time to shred the unnecessary papers and make digital files of the ones needed, empty boxes, clean the storage room shelves, etc. Don’t want to add an extra work day to the schedule? Then set aside 5-10 minutes every day specifically for cleaning up. Doing this will make for a happier and more efficient work area.
- Build a better website – Unless you just finished your website last week, chances are good that your website can be improved. From the color scheme and images to adding new backlinks and social media sharing buttons, creating new videos, or adding your latest inventory, there are always steps to be taken to make your website more effective, efficient, and engaging. Not sure where to start? Set up a consultation with Page Progressive. We can assess your website and make recommendations for how to make your website better than ever!
- Plan for fun – Work is important, but getting to know the people you work with outside the office is too. Make plans to do some employee activities to help foster connections and camaraderie. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, it can be as basic as going to lunch together or helping out at a charity event but whatever you choose, make 2023 the year you help your team connect.
- Update your Google Business listing -Social media is a must, but don’t overlook the availability of Google. Be sure that your company info is correct, update or add new pictures, check the contact info, etc. to be certain that when your company comes up in search results people can connect with you.
- Set some boundaries – While every business owner knows the value of hard work and recognizes that long hours are common, don’t let these two elements rule your life. Make 2023 the year that you find a realistic work-life balance. Set specific work hours and endeavor to stick to them. Learn to say “no”. Be intentional about time spent with family or friends. Consider getting a separate phone line or answering service for after-hours calls or emergencies. Actions such as these will help you be more effective because you will become more intentional in your work hours.
- Review website security – If it has been a while since you updated security measures on your website, now is the time to change that! There are many tools, plugs, and actions that can be taken to protect your company’s as well as your client’s information. Talk to our team to learn how we can help.
- Review your Point of Sale – There are numerous POS programs out there that offer a long list of tools at a nominal cost. If you are still using the same point-of-sale system you were 5 years ago, now is a good time to see what else is out there, and perhaps get something different or better- and maybe save money, too.
- Look for automated solutions – Look for ways to make time usage more efficient. Automated software can make things quicker and often with fewer errors.
- Remember your goals – Studies show that 64% of people have abandoned their New Year’s Resolutions by the end of January, and after 6 months, only 46% are still keeping them. This year, be part of the group that makes it. Write down your goals, plans, and resolutions for 2023, then take a few minutes to draft a plan for achieving them.
What goals or resolutions will you set for yourself or your company for 2023? Should those goals include a new or improved website, boosting social media, website security, or any other technology-related element, be sure to give us a call. We are here to help!