It has been suspected by many web knowledgeable individuals in the SEM realm that having a privacy policy can improve your site’s page ranking, although there is no hard proof of this fact. However, one thing is certain; if you do have a privacy policy, it is mandatory that you follow it. In fact, if you are selling a product or services, it is true that people are more willing to give you their information if they feel you are trustworthy, so a privacy statement along with a RatePoint seal is a great way to garner trust.
Why Should You Have a Privacy Policy?
By definition, a privacy policy is a document telling site guests
what information you collect and what will be done with that
information. So, if you don’t see the need for a privacy policy, and
depending on the type of business you have, one may not be absolutely
The main goal of a privacy policy is to be transparent
with your site visitors and offer a token of trust. Not only that, but
to be in accordance with any laws or legislation that pertains to your
business any website that shows Google Adsense advertisements, must have a privacy policy. (See SerpRank) Even if you do not use Google Adsense, you will want to consider these perks of having a privacy:
- A privacy policy builds trust by establishing what will (or will not) be done with the information collected
- The policy helps protect you by stating acceptable behavior
- A privacy policy creates a better electronic environment on the web
- A privacy page is another opportunity to SEO!
What Should a Privacy Policy Contain?
If your website does not have a privacy policy and you would like to
add one, or if you want to upgrade your current privacy statement, then
you need to be sure that it includes the following:
- What cookies are
- What information is collected
- What is done with the information
- How to accept/reject or delete cookies
- Assurance that there are no harmful technical results or risk
should be noted that there are some who suggest including key
words/long tail words as you write your privacy policy. After all, they
do make a difference in page ranking, so why not use a few?
How to Write a Privacy Policy
When you write a privacy policy it doesn’t have to be so full of
legalese and computer technology terms that the average person cannot
understand what it is you are saying. Rather, do yourself and your
guests a favor, and keep the following tips in mind:
- Keep the language easy to read
- Make it friendly
- Design the policy and publish it like the rest of the site
- Be sure the policy is accessible throughout the site
If you want additional help or input regarding a privacy policy, talk to the professionals at Page Progressive or check out FreePrivacyPolicy.com.
a privacy policy is a simple way to build good public relations for
your business. Will it increase your page ranking in Google? Maybe, but
it certainly won’t hurt. Just having a privacy policy will add to level
of comfort and give personality to your business. If you don’t already
have one, take some time to develop a privacy policy page soon!