We work with churches a lot because we are a Christian-run business and also our content management system (CMS) is a great tool for churches to easily maintain their website themselves.
Churches can post their own news, content pages, contact forms, polls, images, downloads and more all from an easy-to-use editor that is a lot like using a word processor.
Our system even allows you to give editing privileges for some pages to one group of administrative users but not others, so if you have a church committee that needs to maintain one page on the site and you don’t want to give them access to everything else, you can. You can also password protect certain areas of your website so only members of your church can see them, such as image galleries or committee meeting minutes.
Here’s some links to church websites that we’ve had the pleasure of developing:
- University Presbyterian Church of Chapel Hill
- First United Methodist Church of Lexington
- Westminster Presbyterian Church in Durham
- Pittsboro Presbyterian Church
- Chapel in the Pines Presbyterian Church in Chatham County
- Wake Forest Presbyterian Church
So if your church is looking for a great web developer, give us a call. We’d love to show you how our products and services can help!