
  1. pinterest marketing

    Pinterest Marketing: “Buy It” Pins Coming Soon

    Now is a good time to take a serious look at marketing with Pinterest – if you’re not one of the 500,000 or more businesses already doing so. Later this month, Pinterest will introduce “Buy it” pins – available for direct sales by businesses using Shopify or Demandware for online commerce.

    Initial “Buy it” pins, expected at the end of June, will operate on iPhone and iPad. Later phases of the roll-out are planned for Android and desktop shoppers.

    For businesses, this new development adds to the already popular appeal of Pinterest.

  2. 12 Social Media Tips from the Pros

    Has scanning the available training resources for social media left you overwhelmed and wondering where to begin? There seems to be an endless supply of books, blog posts, videos, workshops and webinars addressing the “how to’s” of social media for small business. At Page Progressive, we strive to simplify internet marketing — including social media — for our small business and non-profit clients. So, we’re dedicating this post to 12 social media tips from the pros featured recently on a Hootsuite webinar.

    Social media marketing gurus Peg Fitzpatrick and Guy Kawasaki focused their comments on the “four kings” – Facebook, Google+, Pinterest and Twitter. Here are the highlights:

  3. Social Media and SEO: What you need to know

    Social media is definitely influencing how information is found online and buying decisions are made. Here are some interesting statistics to consider:

    • 72 percent of all internet users are now active on social media
    •  The +1 button on Google+ is used 5 million times per day
    •  Twitter was the fastest growing network with a 44 percent growth from 2012-2013