web design

  1. Website Usability: 7 Reasons Why It’s All About the User

    As you begin examining your website to see if it is usable to your visitors, there are many aspects you will want to research. Not only do you want it simple yet informative, you want your visitors to recognize, among other things, that they are important to you. Recently, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, after much research and combined years of experience have released the following website accessibility guidelines to enhance a website’s usability.

    Website Usability Design Guidelines

    1. Provide content that is engaging, relevant and appropriate to the audience; this is the most critical aspect of the web page.
    2. Use all available resources to better understand the user’s requirements.
    3. Make sure the website’s format meets user expectations. It should
      be easy to use, have helpful content and be well organized. This will
      also encourage others to want to use your site. Also keep in mind the
      guidelines for Section 508 standards for being friendly for those that are visually impaired.
    4. Focus first on the users; get them involved to better meet their
      requirements. Some websites are better at this than others. Remember,
      just because your company personnel does not have trouble using your site
      doesn’t mean that your customers will experience the same thing.
    5. State and set goals; recognize and determine the goals of the site
      before beginning the design process; be clear and concrete. As King
      Solomon said in Proverbs, "Where there is no vision, the people perish."
    6. Consider the numerous interface issues during the design process. These issues include:
      1. Context within which users will be visiting
      2. Experience levels of the users
      3. Types of task users will be doing
      4. Types of computer and connection speeds
      5. Evaluation of prototypes
      6. Results of usability test
    7. Implement good SEO practices so that
      your site will be listed in the top 30. Studies show that users do not
      look at web pages that are not in the Search Engine’s top 30 results.

    If, upon reading these guidelines, you realize that your website needs
    work, don’t despair.  According to a recent Public Accounts Committee
    report, one-third of government sites did not comply with its own
    accessibility guidelines. Of course, this doesn’t make having a website
    that is difficult to use acceptable, but it does show that even with the
    best of intentions, there are many websites that need more work. If you
    recognize that your own website needs an overhaul, keep these tips (and
    those in the upcoming posts) in mind as you consider how best to revamp
    or contact Page Progressive and allow us to improve your website’s usability!

  2. 4 Ways “Less is More” Regarding User-Friendly Websites

    In a day when technology is constantly changing and improving, building a unique website has become more than choosing a WordPress template and plopping in your content. After all, there’s Flash, Javascript, a rainbow of color choices, gradients, boxes, bars, animated GIFs, widgets, gadgets, thingamajigs and many other programming and design elements to choose from, right? But does a website really need all of these "latest and greatest" web elements in order to be effective and usable? Many website developers and interface design experts agree the answer is a resounding "No." In fact, the wealth of possible website effects and features has lead to the detriment of many a website, when it comes to being user-friendly. And shouldn’t that be one of, if not the goal in any design?

    GoalsSet Limits, Guided by Goals

    One paramount way to increase website usability is in setting goals and limits. All websites should be built with a few goals in mind. Those goals may be actions that you want to encourage your users to perform on your site, like sign up for your mailing list or it could be to sell as many of a particular hot product as possible. If you don’t have any goals, your website will lack structure and purpose and more than likely not give you the best results. There are several ways you
    can actually improve you website by setting limits:

    Limit the Color

    Just because there’s a color wheel to choose from doesn’t mean every
    shade of green has to be used. Bill at GoMediaZine states, "Reducing the
    number of colors we use in our design will make the piece feel
    consistent. Keep the color palette small but vibrant." (Examples: Nike,
    sports teams, chain restaurants)

    Limiting Typography

    Like colors, keeping a consistent font is easier for the eye to
    follow. A fancy font may work well for headings, but body text should be a
    standard font that is easily read – even at small sizes. However, do keep
    in mind that the over-use of a single font within a single design can
    also be confusing and difficult to read. Often a layout can combine the use of 2 fonts to emphasize the different between a heading and the body text.

    Limiting Size

    Website usability also means keeping the size of a magazine spread in
    mind when designing your site. In fact, according
    to web entrepreneur, Luke Wroblewski, websites and web applications
    should be designed for mobile devices first, rather than the more common
    order of designing first for the desktop. He supports this argument
    citing that mobile use is growing rapidly. Designing for mobile devices
    forces you to focus. Of course, page size is one of the many factors that has no hard set rule. In the planning stage, this should be one of the factors considered. For example, will your site be accessed more by people who have older computers with smaller screens? Will a mobile version of your site be necessary? Will people on iPads or other tablet devices make up a large number of your visitors?

    Minimize, not Maximize

    Rather than using a little bit of every cool idea you’ve ever seen on a website,
    you should use a few things really well. Products like the iPod or iPad
    are remarkable not for all the options they have, but rather for what
    they don’t have. Instead of having a dozen buttons like many other devices, these products have 4
    buttons, making them easy to use and some of the most popular portable devices of all time.

    Simply put, much of the
    features that improve website usability can be filed under the old
    acronym K.I.S.S. Keeping it simple can go a long way to making visitors feel comfortable and eager to spend time there. And, that is
    the point, isn’t it?