
  1. Gravity Forms for WordPress = Win

    If you run a WordPress website and you wish to be able to collect information from your clients, members or customers, then you will benefit greatly from the Gravity Forms plugin. Here at Page Progressive we believe, as do many others, that Gravity Forms is the best data collecting option out there for WordPress if not THE WORLD 😉

    Not familiar with Gravity Forms? Allow us to explain. Gravity Forms is a full feature contact form that allows people to send you information and even publish content directly to your website if you set it up to do so. Used in its simplest manner, Gravity Forms lets you create basic contact or a support forms that collects information such as name, e-mail, phone number, address, website and an assortment of other information. You even have the option to set up notifications based on conditional rules, create pre-populating fields and, because it has captcha as an option, you can even prevent spam!

  2. New Facebook WordPress Plugin

    By now, you are well aware of Facebook and its plethora of cohorts like Twitter, Google and other social media sites. And, if you are an avid user of Facebook, you also know that Facebook is always changing or adding features-some of these are loved, and others, maybe not so much. 😉 But recently Facebook has released a plugin that, as a business owner you will want to take advantage of – the Facebook Plugin for WordPress.

  3. 4 Ways to Bulletproof Your WordPress Site

    Malicious hackers-many might say they are the bane of the Internet! After all, there are few things more frustrating than dealing with spam, objectionable content and in some extreme cases, complete overhauls of websites due to your website getting hacked. Hackers can cost time and money-neither of which most of us want to spend on fixing a hacked website! But thankfully, we don’t have to be easy prey to those eager to inflict our sites with malware. There a variety of actions we can take to protect our websites and other online accounts from hackers.

    However, before we delve into how to be protected, first, let’s look at the types of malware there are to be cognizant of. After all, it is hard to fight something you don’t know anything about.

  4. Managed Optimized Wordpress Hosting in Raleigh NC

    WordPress 3.4 “Green”

    WordPress 3.4 has been released! We recommend that everyone running WordPress to upgrade as it will ensure a more secure and faster running site, plus some other neat additions. According to The WordPress website, “This release includes significant improvements to theme customization, custom headers, Twitter embeds (see example of one below), and image captions.” Click here for more details!

  5. WordPress 3.3.2 Update Now Available

    The latest release, 3.3.2, of WordPress is now available. We recommend that everyone upgrade their installs of WordPress and and plugins you are running to ensure you are running the most secure and reliable system for your website. Here are the details of the release.

  6. April 2012 Website Client Spotlights

    Here at Page Progressive, we create a variety of websites for a broad range of clients. From time to time, we like to highlight some of our client’s websites along with whom they are and what they do, so others can be aware of area businesses and organizations. This month, we are spotlighting Scottie’s Building Services and With Love from Jesus Ministries.

  7. Tim Thumb…No Not a Fairy Tale

    If you run a WordPress website, especially if you use a pre-built template, there is a good chance that your theme uses the timthumb.php script for resizing images. That script was found to be exploitable several months ago, and there has been updates released to patch your file, but many don’t know how to do it or even that they need to.

    Enter the Timthumb Vulnerability Scanner. This is a free plugin for WordPress that will scan your site to see if you are using an outdated version of the timthumb.php file and if so, fix it for you.

    If you host with Page Progressive, then we’ve scanned our server and patched any old timthumb.php files but if you are hosting elsewhere, it’s possible your host has not scanned for it and you may need to check to make sure you are not vulnerable to this exploit. It could lead to your site getting hacked and allow malware to be distributed though it, and that will ruin just about anyone’s day.

  8. WordPress 3.3.1 Security and Maintenance Release

    Please note the below update from the WordPress team. If you are running WordPress, don’t forget to update your plugins and WordPress regularly!

    WordPress 3.3.1 is now available. This maintenance release fixes 15 issues with WordPress 3.3, as well as a fix for a cross-site scripting vulnerability that affected version 3.3. Thanks to Joshua H., Hoang T., Stefan Zimmerman, Chris K., and the Go Daddy security team for responsibly disclosing the bug to our security team.