How You can be a Part of the Success of WordPress
Powering 22 out of every 100 new active domains and 14.7% of the top million websites worldwide, WordPress has shown repeatedly that it is a viable force on the Web. In fact, in July, WordPress.com blogs exceeded the 50 million mark and each month there are 287 million people making 2.5 billion page views of WordPress.com blogs.
At his State of the Word address in July, Matt Mullenweg, founder of WordPress, credited the success of WP with the ease of use and its affordability. This ease of use and customization is due in part to the 15,000 plugins available at WordPress.com and WordPress.org.
So, with this in mind, perhaps you are giving your WordPress site a second look and wondering what you can do to increase page views. To help you do that, Mitz of WordPress-websitebuilder.com, offers these tips for increasing web traffic.
- Consistently have great content!
- Be different-people are drawn to the unique.
- Have fantastic, eye catching post titles.
- Be committed to using traffic generating practices such as answering comments, writing posts, employing SEO, etc..
- Get some big names to comment on your posts.
- When leaving comments on other sites, don’t be afraid to share your opinions and create controversy.
- Network outside your “normal” circles by linking to different sites, posting comments to new sites, etc…
- Go public, offline – Contact a local radio or television station or a newspaper to see if they would like a regular article/feature. You may also wish to do a free class at a local college or for a community group.
- Have contests and viral giveaways.
- Link outside your site to other blogs.
- Update an old post with new content, videos, pictures, etc… as this will help you grab more traffic. After all, who wants to re-visit a site that is not changing?
- Post a mix of old posts; perhaps a top 10 list with blurbs from each post.
By employing these tips, you can soon see your website grow in popularity utilizing the most popular content management system on the web!